Pakistan Squash Federation organises league matches

UNDER THE management of Pakistan Squash Federation league matches were played at three different venues of Islamabad and Rawalpindi on Saturday.Accordingto a press release issued by the Pakistan Squash Federation (PHF) fourmatcheswere played in club category. In thefirst match Benazir Bhutto Club beat Safari Club,in the second match Roshan Khan Club beat Islamabad Club,thethird matchwaswonby Falcon Clubby beating Armyclub and in thefourthmatc,hIslambadfaceddefeat at the hands of Shlimarclub.Intheindiviuals category, theleaguematchesof Under-15, Under-17, Under-19 wereplayed. HamzaImtiaz of Safari clubbeat Memoon Qazi of (BB club) by3-1in the Under-15. The match of under-17 category waswonby Salman Hashmi (BB club)by beating Muntazir Mehdi (Safari Club) 3-1.Bilal Yousafof (BB club) beat M Tayyab (Safari Club) by 3-0 in the Under-19category of Individuals.In the seniorscatagory ofage between 19 to 35 years Haroon Tahir (Safari Club) beat Faizan Nawaz (BB Club) 3-2, Ilyas (RK Club) beat Taimur Shafiq (Islamabad B) 3-0, Umer (Falcon Club) beatCapt Qasim Ali (Army Club) 8/11, 11/8, 11/6, 11/6, Duraiz (Shalimar Club) beat Ibrahim (Islamabad A) 3-2.Second Seniors Category of age between 35 to 45, Secretary Pakistan Squash Federation (PHF) Wg Cdr Irfan Asghar (Falcon Club) beat Major Taimur (Army Club) withscore of 12/10, 11/8, 11/6, Shaqiq Bloch (Islamabad A) beat Tahir Ayub(Shalimar Club) 3-2. Pakistan Squash Federation also organized matchesfor theplayerswho are 45and above as in this (veteran)category threematches wereplayed wherein Anwar (Roshan Khan Club) beat Ayaz Khan (Islamabad B) 3-0, Col Sohail (Army Club) beat Zubair (Falcon Club) 6/11, 11/6, 11/2, 11/8, and Qayyum Gul (Shalimar Club) beat Raja Rehan (Islamabad A) 3-0.According toPakistan Squash Federation (PSF) Secretary Wg Cdr Irfan Asgher thisleague is continuation of development of Squashin thecountry andPSFis hopeful that throu! gh this league talented andemerging playerswillcome up.League matches are played on every Saturday from 1500 hours onwards.


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